Residential Communities

Welcome to Diversified Property Group Residential Communities Page. Our current listings are listed here and a history of past residential developments. 

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Diversified Property Group

"Creating sustainable communities for a sustainable future"


To Register for Diversified Property Group future land and residential community releases, please fill in your details below.

 46 Rocks Street, Kellyville, NSW, 2155 1800 400 090 02 8824 4122 Email us

Diversified Property Group

Diversified Property Group has been developing land and housing estates for over 25 years. In the last 12 years, it has completed 20 developments in North West Sydney. In 2011, Diversified Property Group embarked on a journey to build energy efficient housing estates, developing numerous prototype houses to perfect our technology.

 In 2015, Diversified Property Group started researching home automated technology and launched their smart home technologies and home automated security in the Bel-Air estate.

Some of our recent estates are listed below. 
